I. Introduction

We, Swiss Eye Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH, Nord West-Ring 14, 32832 August­dorf, e‑mail: info@swisseye.com as the data con­trol­ler would like to explain to you below what data we process from you and how.

II. data protection officer

If you have any ques­ti­ons regar­ding data pro­tec­tion, please contact our data pro­tec­tion officer Mr. Thomas Werning.

He can be reached at:

werning.com GmbH — Die­sel­stra­ße 12 — 32791 Lage,

e‑mail: datenschutz@swisseye.com, phone: +49 5232 980‑4700

With this data pro­tec­tion obli­ga­ti­on infor­ma­ti­on, we, as the respon­si­ble body, fulfill our obli­ga­ti­on to inform accor­ding to Art. 12–14 DSGVO.

III. Information on data collection and processing

Below you will find infor­ma­ti­on on which per­so­nal data (this is all data that iden­ti­fies or makes iden­ti­fia­ble you as a natural person (her­ein­af­ter “data subject”)) may be coll­ec­ted.

These are, for example:

  • Cus­to­mer master data for con­tract execution/fulfillment of the service, name, address, e‑mail address, data in con­nec­tion with payment pro­ces­sing, cor­re­spon­dence (e.g., written cor­re­spon­dence or e‑mail cor­re­spon­dence with you), adver­ti­sing and sales data (e.g., to inform you about new poten­ti­al­ly inte­res­t­ing offers by mail or, if you have given your consent, also by e‑mail)
  • contact data such as name, tele­pho­ne number, e‑mail address
  • Sup­pli­er data such as name, tele­pho­ne number, e‑mail address
  • Employee data such as name, address, bank data, reli­gious affi­lia­ti­on,
  • per­son­nel number, social secu­ri­ty number, log data arising from the use of IT systems, as well as other and special cate­go­ries of per­so­nal data
  • Appli­cant data such as name, address, e‑mail address, marital status, reli­gious affi­lia­ti­on
  • Data due to video sur­veil­lan­ce

IV. Right of appeal

If you are of the opinion that the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you vio­la­tes the General Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on, you have the right to lodge a com­plaint with the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty respon­si­ble for us, the State Com­mis­sio­ner for Data Pro­tec­tion and Freedom of Infor­ma­ti­on of North Rhine-West­pha­lia, https://www.ldi.nrw.de/, as well as with any other data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty.

V. Purposes of the processing

1.      customer data/interested parties

Purpose of pro­ces­sing

We process data that we receive in the course of hand­ling our busi­ness rela­ti­onship with you. We receive the data direct­ly from you. Either in the case of pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer and contact inqui­ries, the placing of orders or order pro­ces­sing (see item “Infor­ma­ti­on on data coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing”).

Legal basis:

The coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing of data is neces­sa­ry for the per­for­mance of the con­tract and is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO. The use for direct adver­ti­sing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. It is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest to draw your atten­ti­on to special offers by means of direct adver­ti­sing. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless requi­red by law, such as to the tax office within the frame­work of tax laws. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer requi­red for the purpose of their pro­ces­sing or after expiry of the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on periods (such as accoun­ting records rele­vant under tax and com­mer­cial law: 10 years; com­mer­cial and busi­ness letters: 6 years; records of sup­pli­ers, type, quan­ti­ty, purcha­se, deli­very: 3 years).

You have the right to object to the use of your data for the purpose of direct mar­ke­ting at any time. In addi­ti­on, you have the right to request infor­ma­ti­on about the data we have stored about you and to request that the data be cor­rec­ted if it is incor­rect or deleted if it has been stored inap­pro­pria­te­ly. You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty (see point Right of com­plaint).Dauer der Spei­che­rung von Daten

Nach Erbrin­gung der ver­trag­lich geschul­de­ten Leis­tung werden Ihre per­so­nen­be­zo­ge­nen Daten- zum Zweck der gesetz­li­chen Gewähr­leis­tung für 2 Jahre — zur Erfül­lung der Garan­tie­be­din­gun­gen für 5 Jahre — zum Zweck der (im Zeit­punkt des Ver­trags­schlus­ses oder zu einem spä­te­ren Zeit­punkt gewünsch­ten) Durch­füh­rung von Fol­ge­auf­trä­gen für 5 Jahre und — für steu­er­recht­li­che Zwecke 10 Jahre gespei­chert.

Dele­ti­on of data

Your per­so­nal data will be deleted at the latest after the expiry of the afo­re­men­tio­ned periods.

2. suppliers

Purpose of pro­ces­sing

We process data that we receive in the course of hand­ling our busi­ness rela­ti­onship with you. We receive the data direct­ly from you when placing an order or pro­ces­sing an order (see item “Infor­ma­ti­on on data coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing”).

Legal basis:

The data coll­ec­tion and data pro­ces­sing is neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the con­tract and is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless requi­red by law, e.g. within the frame­work of tax laws to the tax office. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer requi­red for the purpose of their pro­ces­sing or after expiry of the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on periods (such as accoun­ting records rele­vant under tax and com­mer­cial law: 10 years; com­mer­cial and busi­ness letters: 6 years; records of sup­pli­ers, type, quan­ti­ty, purcha­se, deli­very: 3 years).

You are entit­led to request infor­ma­ti­on about the data we have stored about you and, if the data is incor­rect, to demand that it be cor­rec­ted or, in the case of unaut­ho­ri­zed data storage, that it be deleted. You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty (see point Right of com­plaint).

3. employee data

See sepa­ra­te tem­p­la­te to be given to employees.


4. raffles

Purpose of pro­ces­sing

Sweepsta­kes on social media such as Face­book or Insta­gram. By par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the respec­ti­ve sweepsta­kes, these con­di­ti­ons of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on are accept­ed. The sweepsta­kes is not con­nec­ted to Face­book or Insta­gram, it is neither spon­so­red, sup­port­ed nor orga­ni­zed by Face­book or Insta­gram. Eli­gi­ble to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the sweepsta­kes are all who are 18 years of age or older and reside in Germany. Employees of Swiss Eye Inter­na­tio­nal GmbH and affi­lia­ted com­pa­nies as well as rela­ti­ves of such employees and their rela­ti­ves are excluded. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on with fake iden­ti­ties or with iden­ti­ties of third parties is not per­mit­ted.

After the end of the respec­ti­ve com­pe­ti­ti­on, the deli­very addres­ses of the winners will be reques­ted by DM (direct message) via Face­book or Insta­gram. The addres­ses will then be listed in the order con­fir­ma­ti­on and deli­very bill for the purpose of sending the prize. In the DM, these data are listed in order to main­tain the course of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

Legal basis: This is done on the basis of consent of the reci­pi­ents accor­ding to Art. 6 (1) a) DSGVO.

Due to the ECJ preli­mi­na­ry ruling, we are jointly respon­si­ble with Face­book for the coll­ec­tion, pro­ces­sing and use of per­so­nal data of par­ti­ci­pan­ts. We cannot give any gua­ran­tees or respon­si­bi­li­ties about the use of your data by Face­book. You can learn more at https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/page_controller_addendum

You are entit­led to request infor­ma­ti­on about the data we have stored about you and, if the data is incor­rect, to request that it be cor­rec­ted or, in the case of unaut­ho­ri­zed data storage, that it be deleted. You also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty (see “Right to lodge a com­plaint”).

5. applicant

Purpose of pro­ces­sing

Appli­ca­ti­ons online, by e‑mail or by post: if you apply to us on the basis of a job adver­ti­se­ment, we will collect your per­so­nal data such as first name, surname, address, tele­pho­ne number, e‑mail address, attach­ments (cover letter, CV, cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, photo) and store them for the dura­ti­on of the sel­ec­tion pro­ce­du­re.

Online: By che­cking the box and sub­mit­ting the form, you express­ly agree that we may collect, process and use the data you provide to us, in par­ti­cu­lar sen­si­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on about mental and phy­si­cal health, racial or ethnic origin, poli­ti­cal opi­ni­ons, reli­gious or phi­lo­so­phi­cal beliefs, mem­ber­ships in a trade union or poli­ti­cal party or sexual life, for the purpose of the appli­ca­ti­on.

Your data will be used exclu­si­ve­ly by aut­ho­ri­zed persons in the HR depart­ment or manage­ment for pro­ces­sing within the frame­work of the sel­ec­tion pro­ce­du­re. Your per­so­nal data will not be passed on to third parties.

If the spe­ci­fic posi­ti­on for which you are app­ly­ing has already been awarded to someone else, but your profile makes you sui­ta­ble for a later posi­ti­on or for working in a partner or sub­si­dia­ry company, we will obtain your express consent before storing or for­war­ding your appli­ca­ti­on any further, unless you have already con­sen­ted to such storage or for­war­ding in your appli­ca­ti­on.

If you send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on using our general contact e‑mail address, the content of your appli­ca­ti­on e‑mail may be viewed by unaut­ho­ri­zed per­son­nel. There is a requi­re­ment that the appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments are for­ward­ed unope­ned imme­dia­te­ly to the per­son­nel depart­ment and the inco­ming e‑mail is deleted. If you would like to exclude this, please contact us by tele­pho­ne before sub­mit­ting your unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on so that we can provide you with the contact details of the correct contact person.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO, for the pro­ces­sing of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res.

Unless you inform us other­wi­se, the data will be deleted 6 months after com­ple­ti­on of the appli­ca­ti­on process or des­troy­ed in the case of postal appli­ca­ti­ons. Due to the long appli­ca­ti­on and sel­ec­tion periods for trai­nees, we store their data in Germany for up to 18 months.

You have the fol­lo­wing rights, pro­vi­ded that the rele­vant legal requi­re­ments are met: the right to infor­ma­ti­on about your data stored by us; cor­rec­tion, dele­ti­on, rest­ric­tion of the pro­ces­sing of your data or objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing, and data por­ta­bi­li­ty. Fur­ther­mo­re, you natu­ral­ly have the option at any time to request the dele­ti­on or des­truc­tion of all your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments by sending us an e‑mail to: bewerbung[at]swisseye.com.

6. Facebook Fanpage

Please follow the https://swisseye.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/ to our privacy policy on our website.

7. server data collection

Please follow the https://swisseye.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/ to our privacy policy on our website.

8. video monitoring


If you have any ques­ti­ons, please contact our data pro­tec­tion officer at datenschutz@swisseye.com.

VI. Intention to process in third countries

In par­ti­cu­lar, if the inten­ti­on is to process per­so­nal data in a third country, infor­ma­ti­on must be pro­vi­ded on the exis­tence or absence of an ade­quacy decis­i­on by the Com­mis­si­on. In the absence of such an ade­quacy decis­i­on, the website ope­ra­tor must descri­be, for example, which ade­qua­te and appro­pria­te safe­guards (espe­ci­al­ly of a tech­ni­cal orga­niza­tio­nal nature) are pro­vi­ded for the data trans­fer. He must offer the pos­si­bi­li­ty of obtai­ning a copy of the expl­ana­ti­ons of these safe­guards. Further details can be found in Art. 13(1)(f) GDPR. The descri­bed pro­ces­sing refe­rence to a third country will be given in par­ti­cu­lar if the chosen service pro­vi­der has its regis­tered office in a third country, the service pro­vi­der coll­ects the data or stores the data coll­ec­ted via the website on its own servers and can access it or uses servers of a third party and can access the usage data in the process.

VII. Recipient categories

In the course of pro­vi­ding the service, we use service com­pa­nies sepa­ra­te­ly com­mit­ted to con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and data pro­tec­tion for special areas, where access to per­so­nal data cannot be excluded.

These cate­go­ries of reci­pi­ents are:

  • Order pro­ces­sors used by us (Art. 28 DSGVO), in par­ti­cu­lar in the area of IT ser­vices, taxes, logi­stics and prin­ting ser­vices, who process your data for us in accordance with ins­truc­tions.
  • Public bodies and insti­tu­ti­ons (tax aut­ho­ri­ties) in the event of a legal or offi­ci­al obli­ga­ti­on.
  • Other bodies for which you have given us your consent to the trans­fer of data.

Data will only be passed on to aut­ho­ri­ties in the event of over­ri­ding legal requi­re­ments.

VIII. Advertising and right to object

The coll­ec­tion of name, first name and address are also for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses (sending offers, infor­ma­ti­on about addi­tio­nal ser­vices). The pro­ces­sing for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses can be objec­ted to at any time without giving reasons under the fol­lo­wing cont­acts:

Nord West-Ring 14
32832 August­dorf

E‑Mail: info@swisseye.com

IX. Objection to data storage

With the data pro­ces­sing for the purpose of (at the time of the con­clu­si­on of the con­tract or at a later time desired) exe­cu­ti­on of follow-up orders for five years, legi­ti­ma­te busi­ness inte­rests are pursued from a data pro­tec­tion per­spec­ti­ve. You can object to this pro­ces­sing at any time using the fol­lo­wing contact details

Nord West-Ring 14
32832 August­dorf

E‑Mail: info@swisseye.com

X. Obligation to provide

Without correct infor­ma­ti­on from you, it is usually not pos­si­ble to con­clude a con­tract.

XII. Data subject rights

Accor­ding to Art. 15 DSGVO, you have the right to receive infor­ma­ti­on about the data stored about you, inclu­ding any reci­pi­ents and the planned storage period. If incor­rect per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed, you have the right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in accordance with Art. 16 DSGVO. If the legal requi­re­ments are met, you may request the dele­ti­on or rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing as well as object to pro­ces­sing (Art. 17, 18 and 21 DSGVO).

If you wish data to be deleted but we are still legally obliged to retain it, access to your data will be rest­ric­ted (blocked). The same applies in the event of an objec­tion. You can exer­cise your right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty insofar as the tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties are available to the reci­pi­ent and to us.

Our data pro­tec­tion officer at datenschutz@swisseye.com will be happy to assist you with your data pro­tec­tion rights.

XIII. Actuality and change of this mandatory information

We reserve the right to adapt the content of this man­da­to­ry infor­ma­ti­on at any time. This is usually done in the event of further deve­lo­p­ment or legal adjus­t­ments. You can access the current man­da­to­ry infor­ma­ti­on via a link (which is inser­ted in e‑mails, offers, order con­fir­ma­ti­ons, invoices, etc.) to our website.

Status of this decla­ra­ti­on: 27th June 2023

You can find further infor­ma­ti­on on the hand­ling of per­so­nal data under https://swisseye-tactical.com/en/privacy-policy